Agribusiness Value Chains Pathway

Master the dynamics of food and agribusiness value chains from production to consumption

14 online courses | 14 Certificates | 12 Workshops | Reflection Assignment Feedback


 Online | ~75 hrs

$49| ₹3,499| £37| €45| KES5,499| MWK 74,999 | NGN 75,000

Agribusiness Value Chains learning pathway is a 14 courses self-paced learning curriculum developed for the below outcomes: 

  1. Develops the understanding of the key actors and their decision choices  

  2. Develops a good understanding of the innovations powering new and differentiated value propositions at various stages of the value chain

  3. Develops the ability to understand and develop four components of the business model (namely the value proposition, distribution startegy, complementary chain partnerships and sustainability elements)

  4. Equips the learners with financing, accounting and monetisation concepts and prepares them to prepare for fund-raise

  5. Ensures that all the learning is made relevant to an individual learners opportunity outcome through the end-of-pathway reflection exercise

Review the pathway curriculum and Individual course level learning outcomes below. Learners enrolled for self-paced “Agribusiness Value Chains” learning pathway can join our trainer led Interactive Workshops

Curriculum and Course Outcomes


Course 1: Agriculture Production Decisions

  • Provides an overview of the critical decisions made at the farm and with farm output ( crop choice, production inputs, water management, nutrition management, crop health management, Harvesting, post-harvest management, and Marketing & Sales)

  • Teaches key principles to approaching critical decisions made at the farm and with farm output


Course 2: The Business of Agritech

  • Provides an overview of the technology innovations on the farm, in post-harvest management, aggregation, processing, distribution and retail 

  • Teaches key principles to technology choices to improve productivity and/or profitability across the agribusiness value chain


Course 3: Marketing & Distribution in Agribusiness

  • Emphasizes the key actors involved in the marketing & distribution of agricultural produce and processed food products  (Farmers, Producer Organizations (FPOs), Private Traders/Aggregators, Wholesalers/Distributors, Food Service and Retail) 

  • Teaches key principles used by different decision makers in marketing & distribution of agricultural produce and processed food products


Course 4: Sorting, Packaging, Labelling, Storage and transportation of food products

Emphasizes the value of different post-harvest processes & innovations adopted to increase the profitability of agricultural produce and processed food products.

Teaches key principles used to decide on the right post-harvest processes and innovation choices to suit the product and market demands


Course 5: Path to profitability in Agribusiness

Uses the specific context of the farming business and takes through the decision options, decision choices and profitability outcomes for different choices

Uses an approach of building up decision situations using an multiple choice approach resembling the real-life situations


Course 6: Food and Agribusiness Trends & Developments

Introduces the Agribusiness trends and developments in increasing the productivity, profitability and sustainability at the farm, factories, storage units, transportation and retail operations

Provides specific business contexts in which the trends and developments are being used to strengthen value propositions, distribution, partnerships, sustainability and most importantly the profitability


Course 7: Food and Agriculture business Models

Introduces the four-component (differentiated value proposition, distribution strategy, complementary chain partnerships, and sustainability elements) business model framework and how to use them to increase the competitiveness and profitability of business

Applies the four-component framework to production, aggregation, and distribution businesses operating in different parts of the world


Course 8: Business Model Design Exercise

Uses the specific context of the food processing business and takes through the design decision options for each of the four business model components namely: 1) Value proposition 2) distribution strategy 3) complementary chain partnerships and 4) sustainability elements

Provides the opportunity to apply all the principles to carry out the business model design


Course 9: Digital Agriculture for Smallholders

Provides an overview of the technology innovations on the farm to the specific context of the smallholder farmer agriculture

Teaches key principles to technology choices to improve the productivity and/or profitability of smallholder farmer agriculture


Course 10: The Business of organic and regenerative agriculture

Provides an overview of the process and technology innovations for sustainable agriculture production methods such as organic and regenerative agriculture

Teaches key principles of organic & regenerative agriculture and assesses their suitability for different businesses and business models


Course 11: The Business of urban agriculture

Provides an overview of the indoor/protected agriculture process and technology innovations for sustainable agriculture production

Teaches key principles of indoor/protected agriculture and assesses its suitability for different environments and value chains


Course 12: The Business of Alternative foods

Provides an overview of the product, process, and technology innovations in the field of novel/alternative food products. A specific emphasis is provided on the consumer side developments

Teaches key principles of novel food products and assesses their suitability for different consumption cultures, regulatory environments, and value chains


Course 13: Basics of accounting and Finance

Provides an insight into the basic concepts of accounting & finance and tries to make them more relevant by presenting concepts in the context of Food & Agribusiness

Prepares the learners to pick up the concepts and application elements of Agribusiness value chain financing


Course 14: Value chain financing in agribusiness

Provides an overview of the financial product, process, and technology innovations for a financing model that is more efficient for the value chain actors and less risky to the financing providers  

Teaches key principles to building a value chain financing product in agribusiness

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